Vlad Rahmanov

I heared you like docker , so i dockered your k8 docker to a container-d layer ... OR shortly - i make servers to go WHOOOOOOOOO!

About Me

Hi, my name’s Vlad and I’m a senior devops engineer. As well as administrating systems I also have experience making software and web apps. I have worked at a number of companies gaining teamwork and leadership skills. over the past century ive been doing alot , LOVE DevOps as a concept , and now for the fun part - i am most skilled in: Python Shell Script Docker Kubernetes Terraform AWS GCP Packer Apache Groovy Jenkins GitHub Actions GitLab CI ArgoCD

There are more … but , it breaks this pretty picture :-)


Over the past century , i have been forking and supporting multiple projects , privately and publicly , im proud of each one of them.

I like to make automation go above and beyond the basic needs , from local to remote , from onprem to multicloud - you name it, i probably met it.

Some of the best and most used solution eventually are held in gists ( in any field ) - even great ideas and skeletons start some where

One day i found a solution to a major issue i had in a public gist , ever since im holding some of my public knowledge there as well , maybe it will help some one - one day , the same way i got my solution :-) .

Every devops needs to feel the new buzz words without a hussle so , if you don't agree you're probably wrong.

I started this project as a way if learning K3D and it has since grown into a fully k8s Mini monster. I have learned many skills through this and been I’m very proud of having this in my portfolio. If you don’t have a project as awesome as this I would advise you make one.

---No longer maintained--- I Remember the times when developer wanted to provision a set of AWS assets without knowing terraform , so i created them a small tool for it :-)

As terraform became a key player in the all infra levels on all providers , more and more developers wanted to create resources without playing with HCL. thats how this was born .

GKE cluster terraform module


A small hcl module that provisions a GKE cluster with network and deploys a few known solutions with the providers of Hashicorp and others.

The request was - Create a GKE cluster with network , then provision a few apps with helm , manage it all in terraform with PROPER dependencies .




2023 - present


OpenCache solution provided by a true top notch techstack company.

So much , from gitlab CI based on gitflow and trunkbased dev to CD using argo and terraform , building Kubernetes Operators and CRDs to allow a fluid CD to a HUGE echo system. GCP and AWS at once , with multiple Sec and tests gates , Fun Fun Fun for everyone !



2021 - 2023


Solving 21st century problems by diging holes and making game changing products like the *not a flamethrower*

Every company needs its infra and networks properly administered and Locusview is no exception. Digging holes is hard and I play my part making sure the RND keeps pushing code while our infra scales out to support it . Iv’e lead a major change in embracing a TRUE infra as code methodology . While on AWS as a provider , Jenkins , GitHub actions and ECS (CodePipeline), we allowed a flexible Dev -> Prod changes with MINIMUM of breaking changes ( dont recall i had any LOL ).

Previous Companies


2016 - 2021


Baking the Dev and Popping the Ops , while pushing new techs and embracing more and more BUZZ words and frameworks

In order to keep this page as clean as possible - ill be asking you to proceed with my further history with linked in , its up to date . i promise .



AWS solution architect - associate

2018 - 2018


CCNA Network certificate - via IITC collage

2013 - 2014

Harav Tchumi

Associate's Computer Science degree

2009 - 2010





A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in devops and software engineering some of my other interests and hobbies are:

  • VR
  • Online Gaming (paused due to my new borns)
  • A GOOD beer